10 Things We Love About Our Volunteers

We-Love-our-VolunteersWe know that April is Volunteer Appreciation Month, but we just couldn’t wait to express how much we LOVE our volunteers.  Here are 10 things we love about them!

  1. They sacrifice time away from their families, friends, and personal lives to make sure our children never grieve alone.
  2. They sacrifice their money and donate so generously to our cause.
  3. They do the dirty work – preparing meals, cleaning dishes, sweeping, mopping, etc. – all to serve a WARM meal to our families.
  4. They listen. With the busyness of life, it’s rare that anyone listens to us wholeheartedly and without thinking first about how to respond.  Our volunteers genuinely and empathetically listen.
  5. They sacrifice. It takes a lot mentally, emotionally, and physically to serve, and yet they are there.
  6. They are dedicated. Every two weeks they show up, for days, months, and even years to make a difference.
  7. They are fun! They laugh, joke, play games, and do anything they can to bring a smile to the faces of our children.
  8. They are loyal. They promote The WARM Place, tell people about us, and sing our praises.
  9. They are positive. They don’t complain, they just do what needs to be done with a good attitude.
  10. They care.  At the end of the day, they truly have a heart for our families, and for that we are grateful.

-Maria Montes, Volunteer Coordinator



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