2018 Summer Young Adults Grief Support Group flyer_schedule_web

A Place for Young Adults to Grieve

Did you know The WARM Place provides grief support groups for young adults ages 19-25 who have experienced the death of a significant person in their life? Mostly comprised of Gen-Xers and Millennials, this fast-paced group frequently has difficulty finding support when they need it. In the age of ever-changing technology and the rise of social media, this group often receives sympathy primarily through Facebook or text messages. Sadly, in the virtual world, grief support often ends in less than 15 minutes. When the posts and text-messages taper off, young adults need a place to connect with their peers.

The WARM Place helps connect and empower young adults to create a community where they can share their grief experience in a non-judgmental, safe and supportive environment. On a typical group night, members may discuss the circumstances of the death, memories of their loved one, changes they have experienced since the death, any guilt or regrets they may have, ways to remember and honor their loved one, healthy ways to cope with a death loss and how to move forward without their loved one. There are several group activities designed to help facilitate discussions on each night. Some of the activities include sharing pictures and special mementos, drawing, journaling, sand trays, painting or making crafts. Young adults can participate at their level of comfort.

If you know of someone who could benefit from this group, please share this information with him/her. If you are interested in participating in our next available session starting June 5th, please contact the group director, Teresa Bartnicki, M.A., LPC-Intern, at 817-870-2272, ext. 25 or teresa@thewarmplace.org.

Young adult grief support groups are offered at The WARM Place during winter, summer and fall. The groups meet on Tuesday evenings, 7:00-8:30pm for eight consecutive weeks and are offered at no charge. Participants must call and schedule an intake appointment prior to joining the evening groups.



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