Photo Feb 14, 12 52 09 PM

PreK and Young Adults – Spring 2019

Pre-K Program

Every fall and spring we welcome a new group of 31/2 to 5-year-olds into our PreK Group. This group meets for 10 weeks on Wednesdays from 12-1:00 pm to play, make crafts, talk about their grief and memories of loved ones. Preschoolers who have experienced the death of a loved one are welcome to join at no charge.

While the children meet in their group, we have a support group for the caregivers. In this group, we talk about our own grief as well as how to parent preschoolers who are grieving. Many caregivers find this a helpful time to process their own grief.

If you or someone you know is interested in bringing a preschooler to this group, please call Gina at 817-870-2272, extension 16 or, to schedule an intake. The group meets from February 13 through April 24.

We look forward to welcoming our littlest grieving hearts!

Young Adults Group

The WARM Place offers grief support groups for young adults ages 19-25 who have experienced the death of a significant person in their life. The group is offered three times a year during winter, summer and fall. Young Adults meet on Tuesday evenings, 7:00-8:30 pm for eight consecutive weeks and are offered at no charge.

On a typical group night, members may discuss the circumstances of the death, memories of their loved one, changes they have experienced since the death, any guilt or regrets they may have, ways to remember and honor their loved one, healthy ways to cope with a death loss and how to move forward without their loved one.

If you know of someone who could benefit from this group, please share this information with him/her. If you are interested in participating in our next available session starting January 29, please contact Jade at 817-870-2272 or



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