Does Grief Get Easier as We Age from Childhood?

Young adults gather to share their grief journeys.

Did you know that in addition to the eight evening support groups The WARM Place offers for Kindergarten through 12th grade children, we also offer a unique group aimed for ages 19-25 years old who are grieving the death of a loved one?  This special program for young adults meets three times a year in the winter, summer, and fall for eight consecutive weeks. At this age, the young adult population is beginning to take on new adult-like experiences such as beginning their careers or pursuing college, all while trying to navigate adulthood. During this time of transition into adulthood, while in the midst of grief, it feels nearly impossible to find support, compassion, or even someone else who knows how it feels to have a significant person in their life die. This group brings a sense of community to this age group, while their grieving hearts begin to slowly mend and find a new “normal.”

[This group] allows me to feel like I am not alone in my grief journey with people who understand.”

– Young Adult Group Member

Within the eight weeks, young adults participate in activities and discussions related to their grief journey, while building rapport and support with one another. Our last Young Adult group concluded at the end of March for our winter segment. During this group, members focused on self-care, anger, finding peace, defining grief, and self-esteem/motivation.

Letter to Young Adult Group Volunteers

As group concluded for the winter segment, members were invited to write encouragement letters to one another.  The objective of this activity was to create a lasting piece of support that members could take home and read whenever they felt their grief coming in waves. One member even wrote their letter to the volunteers who led the Young Adult Group to express their gratitude. Though endings are bittersweet, the group shares a cohesion due to the members truly understanding what it is like to experience a death of a loved one and the intense feelings centered around that particular death loss.

Our next Young Adult group session will be held June 4 – July 30. If you or someone you know is interested in joining the Young Adult Group, please call 817-870-2272 or email Jade to schedule an intake appointment.

Jade Stoner M.S., LPC, LCDC

Jade Stoner M.S., LPC, LCDC

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