
Volunteer Spotlight: Kim Sheehan

WARM Place volunteer Kim Sheehan

Our grief support groups are primarily led by volunteer facilitators who have given their heart and time to help WARM Place families. Our volunteers come from all walks of life. Some are teachers, school counselors, and others are lawyers and business professionals. Kim Sheehan is one of our dedicated volunteers who is a nurse working in the ER. We are so thankful for Kim’s service to The WARM Place and to our community, especially during this time! Read more about Kim and her connection to The WARM Place below.

What is your occupation?

I am a nurse in the ER.

How do you practice self-care during this difficult time?

I have been spending as much time as possible outside. I am either working in my yard, playing with my dogs, or just soaking up the sun!

What brought you to TWP as a volunteer?

I started volunteering at TWP after learning about it at El Tesoro De La Vida camp.

How long have you been volunteering with TWP?

I have been volunteering for 2 years

What is your favorite thing about volunteering with TWP?

My favorite thing about volunteering at TWP is watching the kids work through  some of the hardest things they will endure in life, and seeing how much they help each other.

What would you tell someone who is thinking about volunteering at TWP?

My best advice for someone who is looking at volunteering at TWP is get ready. You may think you are there to “teach” or “help” the kids, but you will learn so much more from them then you could possibly imagine.

What word of encouragement would you give to WARM Place families at this time?

The best advice I could give to WARM Place families at this time is be there for each other. There is a lot of unknown at this time, and it causes stress on people differently. It’s okay if you don’t have a rigid schedule. Play games and enjoy each other’s company! Most importantly don’t be afraid to reach out if you are needing help! Help may look different right now, but it is still there!

It’s volunteers like Kim who make our mission possible! Thanks to our volunteers’ dedication, we are able to provide our grief support services at no cost to families who attend our program. Are you interested in making a difference? Our next volunteer training starts September 8th and is mandatory to become a WARM Place volunteer facilitator. You can apply here! Email Molly Bell for any questions about volunteering or training.



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