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What does Father’s Day mean to you?

As we cruise into June, summertime is here, school is out, the sun is shining, and Father’s Day is right around the corner. As you reflect on Father’s Days past, what does this day mean to you? Is it a day of established traditions and reminiscing or is this the year to create new traditions and memories?

Father’s Day is a time when many people celebrate and appreciate the important role their fathers have played in their lives. However, for those who have experienced the death of a father or significant loved one the holiday can be bittersweet and emotionally challenging. Consider establishing new rituals or activities that honor their memory on Father’s Day. It could be something he loved to do or a special way to give back in his name. Create new celebrations and traditions that are reflective of who your loved one was and how you want to see their legacy continue.

There are many things to consider as Father’s Day approaches. Acknowledge your emotions. Grief is a complex, individual journey. Give yourself permission to feel whatever surfaces during this time. Embrace your emotions and understand that they are a natural part of the grieving process. Take care of yourself and engage in self-care activities that help soothe your emotions. Connect with family members or friends that you can share with who can provide comfort and support. Make this day a time to honor those who have impacted your life while you are nurturing your needs in the process.  Remember there are no road maps to life or your grief journey.  It is an individualized path that can pave the way for renewal and growth.

By acknowledging your feelings, cherishing memories, creating personal tributes, seeking support, focusing on self-care, and giving back in their honor you can find solace and strength as you navigate this day.

Alicia Scott, M.A., CSC

Alicia Scott, M.A., CSC

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