Movies and Memories

Going to see a movie in the theatre typically excites all the senses: the smell of popcorn, the taste of a big fountain drink, the comfy chairs, the loud volume that vibrates the room. And, who doesn’t usually enjoy watching the latest streaming movie; comfy in your jammies by the warm fireplace, tuning in any time you want? Movies take us ‘away’ for a few hours and can create experiences that last a lifetime.

Often when going to the theatre or watching a movie at home, our loved ones are present. For our families at The WARM Place, the joy of movie watching can offer mixed emotions. Nostalgia might be present when rewatching a movie that was once shared with their loved one. Sadness might be present when watching the latest installment in a series, that had planned to be viewed with someone who is no longer here.  Joy and gratitude might be present, reminiscing of experiences that took place in the past.

As Father’s Day approaches, several WARM Place families shared memories of movie watching with their beloved dad.

Connection is often a feeling that our WARM place members treasure.

“When I want to connect with him, I watch movies he enjoyed, like westerns.”

How special it can be to use ‘movie time’ as a way to create memories and distract, when someone may be going through medical treatment and laughter is much needed.

“My dad and I started going on movie dates after his cancer diagnosis, I was the youngest of 4 girls, the only one single and this was just special time for the 2 of us!  It never really mattered what the movie was but this time was something I cherished. But one movie in particular that always makes me think of my dad is Talladega Nights.  My dad raced cars as a hobby and my sisters and I were his pit crew.  I actually had shirts made for me and my dad that said Shake and Bake.”

Songs and dialogue can be continued tokens of the love felt after a death.

One teen shared she and her dad loved to watch ‘O’Brother, Where Are Though?’ and that they each knew every part of the movie and sang every song.

For those grieving who rewatch a movie that was once experienced with their loved one, bringing warmth to their hearts and smiles-we honor it. If it can be too hard and movie watching is not yet ready to be enjoyed again-we honor it. If both set of feelings are present-we honor it. Whichever opportunity is right for you, feel supported by The WARM Place in your journey of grief and remembrance.


Nicole Smith, M.Ed., LPC, NCC

Nicole Smith, M.Ed., LPC, NCC

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