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Fall Facilitator Training Begins in September

The WARM Place’s grief support program has been available to families since 1989. One of the reasons we have been able to provide our services at no cost is because our groups are primarily facilitated by volunteers.

These wonderful volunteers dedicate their time, energy, and hearts to the children who attend The WARM Place. Volunteer group facilitators make a one-year minimum commitment to serving our groups twice a month; however, most of our volunteers stay with us for more than one year.

If you have a heart for children and you’ve been looking for a way to give back to our community- please join us for our Fall 2018 Facilitator Training. We will give you all the tools necessary to companion these grieving families through their journey at The WARM Place.

I cannot describe how much I love volunteering at The WARM Place as a group facilitator. I love the clients and feeling useful to others in their grief process, at the same time knowing that I have absolutely nothing to offer a mom who has lost a child to death except my careful and complete presence. So if you are looking for a place to give just a little time (about 8 hours a month), serve people who are hurting, and be part of a team of some of the best people you will ever meet – volunteer with The WARM Place.

You can also be a ‘house parent’ and work the pre-group meal. That is important, too. As a former client, I still remember the warm smile of the young man who greeted my child and me every time we arrived and took our food item from us to serve at the meal. It doesn’t take much to participate in someone’s recovery from a death loss. The WARM Place is so special.”

-Former WARM Place client and current volunteer

Interested in becoming a group facilitator? You can start the application here. For more information about volunteering at The WARM Place, please contact Shelley Spikes.

Shelley Bettis

Shelley Bettis

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