
Let’s “Taco” ’bout our Awesome Volunteers!

This past Saturday, April 7th, we hosted a Volunteer Appreciation FIESTA at The WARM Place in honor of our amazing volunteers!  April is Volunteer Appreciation Month and our fiesta was the perfect way to kick off the festivities.

Sibling Night Volunteers say “queso” at our photo booth!

Chuy’s W. 7th graciously donated a delicious fajita lunch for our volunteers and their guests.  Volunteers that reached their five, ten, fifteen, twenty and yes, even twenty-five-year service marks were recognized for their dedication to The WARM Place and received plaques on our volunteer recognition wall!

It is through the dedication and commitment from our house parents and facilitators that allows us to offer our grief support program. From greeting families at the door, to serving dinner, to leading activities and discussions with the children- every aspect of our peer support groups are made possible by volunteers. We really mean it when we say- our volunteers are the heart of our program!

Volunteers enjoyed a fajita feast provided by Chuy’s Tex-Mex!

Our volunteers help us provide our grieving clients with a safe, comfortable and welcoming environment to process their feelings. We cannot thank them enough. Their commitment and dedication make our mission possible. Each and every volunteer at The WARM Place has a heart for our families and shares their time and compassion with them willingly. We are so honored that they choose to give their time to our organization and our community.

If you’d like more information about volunteering with The WARM Place, please contact our Volunteer & Program Evaluations Manager Natalie Chapa at or call at 817-870-2272.



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