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Make a Big Impact – It’s Easy as 1,2,3…

Today, everyone in our society is busier than ever and fulfilling our passions to help others can sometimes become difficult. Fortunately, there are several, impactful ways to give that provide ease-of-use, transparency, and dependability – making it simpler for supporters of The WARM Place to give. Read below to learn how a social media platform, a smartphone app, and a corporate giving opportunity can make giving as easy as one, two, three!

  1. Facebook Fundraiser – We connect with our family and friends daily by posting on our personal social media accounts, so why not also use the same platforms to support the causes we care about? Hosting a Facebook Fundraiser is a popular trend in giving. In the past ten months, many of our volunteers and friends have already raised over $10,000 for The WARM Place! Many people choose to create a Facebook Fundraiser on a special occasion such as a birthday, the holidays, or even Children’s Grief Awareness Day in November.
    • You can connect friends to your cause on Facebook.
    • People can donate to your fundraiser in just a few clicks without leaving Facebook.
    • The WARM Place will receive donations directly from Facebook.
    • Facebook charges NO FEES for donations made to our organization.
    • To set up a fundraiser, simply visit Facebook’s fundraising page, click Raise Money for a Nonprofit Organization, and follow the instructions.
  2. The RoundUp App – Smartphone apps make charitable giving more fun and easy. The WARM Place is excited to announce that we are partnering with RoundUp to make your small change make a big difference! The RoundUP App is a fundraising tool that automatically rounds up user’s credit or debit card transactions and donates the “change” to our organization. Here’s how it works:
    • The app keeps track of your purchases throughout the month and calculates the round-up amount.
    • At the end of the month, the app sends a deposit of your accumulated change directly to The WARM Place without you having to do anything else!
    • That’s it! The app is an innovative way for you to be a monthly donor which will make a long-term impact for the children and their families who benefit from our services.
    • You can sign up for RoundUp here or download the application in your Android or iPhone app store. Once you’ve signed up, you can select The WARM Place as your beneficiary.

  3. Dollars for Doers – Already donating your time as a WARM Place volunteer? Engage your company and let your workplace double or triple your impact! Here are the quick facts:
    • Volunteer grant programs, or Dollars for Doers, are corporate giving programs created to encourage volunteerism in communities.
    • Companies provide monetary grants to organizations where employees volunteer regularly.
    • Corporate volunteer grant programs convert supporter time and effort into tangible funds. They bring together two sides of nonprofit involvement into one cohesive outcome.

Don’t miss out on easy opportunities that will significantly help a grieving child attending our program. As always, we want to thank YOU for your continued support. Since day one, our founders decided that no family should have to ever pay for our grief support services. It’s because of loyal donors like you, that we are able to continue doing this.



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