Self Care

Making Self-Care a Priority

What has your day-to-day looked like? For many of us, it might be hard to even remember what day it is. Perhaps one day is running into the next or you are simply just trying to make it through the day. Some may be doing okay and making the most out this difficult time. Whether you are struggling, flourishing, or somewhere in between, taking time for yourself is essential. Compassion for ourselves is something we often neglect. We may find ourselves taking care of the needs of our family, friends, and loved ones but fail to take time to be kind to ourselves. We can also become our worst critics and feel like we are not doing enough. Rest assured, you are enough, and your efforts are enough. It is important to acknowledge we are doing the best that we can and to be proud of what we have accomplished. We need to make ourselves a priority and care for ourselves the way we diligently care for the ones we love. The road to improved self-care may be a bumpy one, but here are a few important reminders.

Ask for Help

Reach out to others and let them know what you need from them. You may just need to talk and know someone is there to truly listen. Connection is so important right now. Family and friends are better able to support you when they know what you need. Remember asking for help is a sign of strength not weakness. We are all in this together.

Be Kind to Yourself

Do something you enjoy. Spend quality time with your loved ones, order your favorite meal, watch a funny movie, read, listen to music you love, call a friend, cuddle with your pet, do something creative, or just take some time for yourself.

Give Yourself a Break

Allow time to relax. Be okay with just being okay. Let others know how you are feeling and talk about it. It is important to express your emotions and let others know what you are going through.

Take Care of Your Health

This has been increasingly difficult for everyone these days. Getting quality sleep and eating healthy may be a thing of the past. It may be hard right now but moving toward a daily routine could be the structure you are craving. It is important to recognize when you need to make a few adjusts in your day-to-day. Even increasing your movement or incorporating light exercise can help improve the way you feel.

It is important to remember you are not alone in this journey. Acknowledging you are having a difficult time doesn’t mean you are ungrateful for the life you have. In taking better care of ourselves, we can begin to truly heal. Know that even in the darkest times you can find the light. Let hope be your guide and take it one step at a time.

Dana Minor, M.S., LPC-S, CSC

Dana Minor, M.S., LPC-S, CSC

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