R2RT 2019 Highlights

On March 2nd, we held our 3rd annual Race 2 Remember Them, benefiting children and families attending The WARM Place. The race was held at Acme Brick Co. along the beautiful Trinity Trails, where racers signed up to take on the 1 Mile, 5K, or 10K. We are excited to announce that with the help of our supporters like YOU, we raised over $67,000 for The WARM Place!

It was a cold and brisk morning, but the air was filled with WARM hearts and memories, as participants gathered to remember their loved ones. We began with a new tradition, the Remembrance Ceremony, which was a special time for us to reflect the purpose of why and who we are racing for. After the ceremony, Jazzercize helped us get our hearts pumping and blood flowing with some WARM-ups! Then it was off to the races! Several children lined the starting line as the horn blew and took off once the clock started! This year, we had so much fun handing participation medals to our youngest racers (12 and under) as they crossed the finish line!

Our race began with the “Mile of Memories,” which showcased customized race signs along the  1 mile route. These race signs were purchased in honor or in memory of a loved one. Many participants commented on how seeing the pictures of loved ones along the trail motivated them along their run. Racers also honored loved ones by carrying pictures on them in their memory holders as they raced and also recognized them at our Wall of Memories.

There were several activities for the families to enjoy after they finished racing. Our Finish Line Celebration included balloon artists, face painting, hair painting, games, and more! The day ended with the Awards Ceremony, where we recognized our fastest runners and our WARM Place Warriors, who raised $250+ on their fundraising pages for The WARM Place!

Check out these impressive stats and highlights from R2RT 2o19:

  • 980 participants registered
  • 68 teams
  • 17 WARM Place Warriors

Because of you we are able to continue providing grief support services to grieving children and their families at NO cost to them! We are so thankful for your support, as we could not fulfill our mission without you. Stay tuned for information on the R2RT 2020!

Don’t forget to check out the photo booth pictures from race day and event pictures taken by Fort Worth’s Brian Luenser!



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