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Volunteer Spotlight – Laura Duty

Our grief support program is primarily facilitated by volunteers who dedicate their time, energy, and hearts to the children who attend The WARM Place. Volunteer facilitators make a one-year minimum commitment to serving our groups twice a month; however, most of our volunteers stay with us for more than one year. Laura Duty is one of our loyal volunteers who has been with us since 2010. We are so proud to have her as a WARM Place facilitator! Take a minute to read more about Laura and the impact she is making.

WARM Place volunteer Laura Duty

What is your occupation?

I have over 18 years in the philanthropic field primarily in grantmaking, organizational and financial review, strategy setting, measurement design, and capacity building with nonprofit organizations. This March, I launched my own company to continue this work as an independent consultant. My focus is on supporting agencies and donors in exploring and implementing “magic wand” ideas outside of the “tried and true” methods for reaching clients and delivering funding.

What was your favorite activity/hobby as a child?

Arts and crafts – maybe that is the reason for my longevity at The WARM Place? And – I do love Play-Doh!

What brought you to The WARM Place (TWP) as a volunteer?

As with so many who are associated with The WARM Place, it is a personal experience. In my case, there was a fair amount of death loss in my first 18 years including my father, step-father, mother, and very special grandfather. While those losses have made me the person I am today, I can say with certainty that had there been a WARM Place for me to turn in those early years and as a young adult, my journey would have been much less rocky.

How long have you been volunteering with TWP?

I am at eight years and counting – all with young teens and almost all of that time with the same merry band of co-facilitators – Kim Kerrigan and David Matkovich – you guys rock!

What is your favorite thing about volunteering with TWP?

That answer is simple and one that we hear over and over – the kids. Without a doubt, the kids have taught and inspired me more than I can ever give back to them.

Thank you to Laura and all of our volunteers that are making a difference in the lives of children in our community! Have questions about what it takes to become a volunteer? Please contact Natalie at 817-870-2272 or



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